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While it’s still winter, feed the birds

We plant a lot of things in the garden that will aid wildlife in the summer, but in the cold depths of winter, food sources can be scarce, especially for birds, that’s why we have several feeders with different types of seed set up in our back yard. This year, we’ve also decided to make our own suet cakes with this Suet Cake Recipe. The  suet cake that are sold in the stores will work fine also, but with this recipe, we know what’s going into the product, plus it’s an easy and fun project for the kids on a snowy day.

Squirrels can be an issue with bird feeders, they’ll clean one out in no time at all. We have a large baffle on ours that they can’t get by, but this Squirrel vs. Slinky video shows an ingenious way to deter these little varmints. Don’t worry about them, though. There’s lots of bird seed that makes it to the ground for them to scavenge.